#151 1936 Daimler
by Clare Bowen | Dec 30, 2016 | Car, Painting Stages
A long break without posting, due to lots of family and friends descending over Christmas plus I’ve have had the lurgie again!It’s surprising how tricky it was to paint this! It was a commission, for a father of a bride this year (who you can see in the...
Speed Work & RBA
by Clare Bowen | Dec 18, 2016 | Colour Mixing, Landscape, Mall Gallery, Students, Website
I have my sister here from South Africa at the moment but managed to do some painting over the last few days.But first I want to say thank you for the lovely comments & emails I’ve had for my new website thank you!! Really pleased.It’s funny how things...
New website launched today!
by Clare Bowen | Dec 14, 2016 | Clare painting, Website
www.clarebowen.co.ukSo excited to get this new website out there! Been working on it for about a month with an excellent web designer called Danny Fontaine (Fontaine Web Design) I highly recommend him. I wanted a site that would really show case my paintings....
#150 ‘The Barns, Surrey Hills’ 8×12″
by Clare Bowen | Dec 13, 2016 | Hills, Landscape, Surrey
This is the same area as the previous Surrey Hills painting I did (it’s near Compton.) Although this one I traipsed down a steep hill to get this view. I made the mistake of arriving too early I got there at 7am it was still pitch black! If it’s...