I did a quick sketch (see below) when we had a dusting of snow a couple of weeks ago. I liked the limited colours and that you could see the Punch Bowl sweeping around in the distance – when the mist cleared a little!
I drew it out three times on two different sized boards. I wanted the composition to be similar to the drawing I had made – just off square and cutting the the tops of the trees.
The first stage of this painting was made with thined cool and warm darks see below.
I quite liked it at this stage and the next day when I wanted to complete it, it was scary painting over it as I didn’t want to loose the quality I had. I also reassured myself when putting the white snow in which was so contrasted in tone and colour but I knew I needed to be bold!
I kept some of the thined painting but modulated the edges of the path with opaque lighter tones. The sky I put a yellow tinge which there wasn’t much of on the day but seams to work well with overcast snow days.
Really pleased with how this one came out 🙂