This is the second painting I did with artist Richard Pikesley.

We struggled to find something decent in the murk of drizzle and low cloud. The view we eventually settled on you could easily have driven past as it wasn’t spectacular but it had some great light in the skyline and the atmospheric perspective was strong. 

I was stuck behind a bush of yellow flowers (not sure of the name) the board shape seamed to fit having the flowers in the foreground of the painting. I didn’t want to descibe them with too much detail but I emphasised the flowers with strong colour and shapes which also added to the ariel perspective.

No drawing out before hand straight in with paint! Feeling your away around the composition this method allows for more flexibility as the painting develops. It also encourages to paint in slabs of colour and not ‘filling in’ to linear lines. I didn’t find it easy though and half way through I was really doubting it all! Richard encouraged me to go on and I’m pleased with the result, it’s not how I’d usually paint a landscape but it’s fresh and painterly and feels like I’m on the right track 🙂

An amazing day with Richard and I’m sure its going to have a great impact on my paintings to come……