I decide not to settle for a mediocre composition. I went to a place I had liked previously painted and the tide was so far out there was a trickle of water and mainly mud! It didnt inspire me – and it needs too!
So I drove across Langstone Bridge onto Hayling Island but on the way over I thought yes and turned around.
With much walking around I came across this composition I stood under the bridge, – not possible when the tide is up!
With all that faffing the sun had nearly poked its head over the horizon. I quickly drew on a board the composition and made a note of the lovely colours, it was beautiful and iridescent.  I decided to try and painting it back in the studio. This can be hard to capture the freshness of plein air inside. 
So, I tackled the painting like I do when time is of the essence outside – not spend long on one area and no procrastinating in applying the paint!
The subject is about light and colour and also the quality of how the paint is applied so it gives a lovely oil sheen and not dull.
I’m pleased with the result.