Some plein air painting days don’t turn out as you expect…I went to Bosham first but with high tide, a biting wind, no reflections, and no boats it wasn’t inspiring so I went to my other favourite painting spot (Bosham Channel) but again with high tide it wasn’t working. 
Last location was Emsworth, the wind was so strong and big gusts I didn’t think I could manage it, and of course the scene I want to paint was exposed on the harbour wall. Just about everyone commented to me a hard day to be painting! Yes I thought 😉

I started by thinking just get a few strokes down and then I can finish in the studio… (Sometimes when it feels daunting or hard to start this thought can help.) No need to worry as I finished on the spot and quite enjoyed it! As I wasn’t so careful and just did it quickly and intuitively. 

Another thing was I had my sunglasses on I can’t remember the last time I painted with them on, but being so bright it takes out any definition so with them on I could see more and it protects my eyes. I will use them again for contra jour.

Packing up I had to let go of my pochade, and of course a big gust of wind and it took off you can see how close I am to the water, I caught it with one tripod leg. Gave me and the swans a fright!