An artist mind and attitude has so much to do with painting as their body! It can really get in the way sometimes. 
On Thursday I went to London I had prepped a lot the night before to make me feel ready and have some sort of plan. The last time I went to London I didn’t prep and my painting was dreadful! So that was in the back of my mind I wanted it to be a positive experience

It was absolutely stunning when I arrived at Albert Bridge the sun was just coming up over the Thames River and the light on the water was gorgeous. I was too late to paint it but had to suffice with photos and drinking it up.
I set up contra jour it worked because there was a haze of cloud not too bright in my eyes. Just as I started to apply the paint the sun broke through and dazzled me! So bright off the water I couldn’t see the subject (see pic below) so I abandoned this painting – I will have a go at in the studio.

I walked to the other side of the bridge with the sun behind me.A complex view that I couldn’t get my head around  (see pic below). My board didn’t fit the subject very well so the composition wasn’t working and the board was too slippery, these two factors alone through me I wiped off twice and started again. Meanwhile my mind is doubting and panicking ….’I wont have a painting to show for all this effort or I’ve lost it I can’t paint any more!! Quite ridiculous but thats what happens on a hard day.

I turned around and saw the Chelsea Bridge view and thought that’s a better subject. It fitted a smaller board and I painted it in less than an hour. My mind was now quiet and happy! Such a rollercoaster. Painting plein air you never know if it will turn out. I think everybody who paints struggles with self doubt and fear of ‘failing’ It seams however many paintings I get under my belt it still happens, I hope I can work on this!
‘The Artist Way’ by Julia Cameron is a great book I’ve had for for years and does focus on the mind and creativity.