#477 ‘Boats at Dell Quay’

#477 ‘Boats at Dell Quay’

I taught 4 very friendly plein air painters last week. Typical that it was the hottest day of the year almost ever in our part of the world – over 38 degrees and humid. Tough conditions to paint and for me to teach. The morning session I helped them all get...
#476 The North Downs

#476 The North Downs

I taught a 1:1 plein air teaching day with Chris, this was the view near his house. We enhanced what was there – I liked the wheat field so made bigger and the feature. Also when the sun came out I put the foreground shadow in. I walked a little left to see the...
#475 Sunflowers

#475 Sunflowers

An apt flower with all this sunshine and heat! I seem to paint flowers better when they are in the garden instead of inside my studio with sunshine falling on them.  Chunking together petal shapes not painting individuals. Cadmium Yellow Deep a useful colour for this...
#474 ‘View from Tilford Bridge’

#474 ‘View from Tilford Bridge’

I painted this subject this time last year in Surrey. I like going back to a place and painting it again as the knowledge and experience from the first time is there and helps inform the next go. (in theory!) I liked the willow trees and their reflections in the...
#473 West Wittering

#473 West Wittering

A commission. I don’t do many, as I tend not to advertise, but I’m willing to do them if people ask. This one was for a ladies 50th her siblings got together to buy it for her as a surprise. Sadly they didn’t give me much time so had to go when it...