I started this painting on the last day of my Venice trip in September 2019. It was the afternoon and hot and sunny. Very crowded which restricted the spot I could stand  on the Accademia Bridge. I decided to go for it with a big board 12×16″ and in portrait format as I liked the poles and left side of the buildings which also gives foreground interest.

The colours seem to pop in the afternoon Venice sun, which I worked at using the underpainting showing through to vibrate with the top layer of paint.  Viridian is a strong green which seems to mix well for Venice colours.

After a while of painting an undercover Police officer came and moved me on. It is an offence to stand in busy places and paint! – Health and safety with the easel legs. I was pleased with my efforts very difficult when there are so many people close up and talking to you and photography, videoing…