Having finished my big studio paintings I was able to get back out into the plein air and painting outdoors. It was a shock to the system, bitterly cold wind in my face, I needed to weigh down my easel down with my bag and managed to knock the turps all over me! I also only notice when packing up that my easel feet were missing. So I spent the next 20 minutes on my knees fishing around the mud, I found one and dug it out!
Part of painting is about confidence and self belief. It’s surprising, with how much I have painted outside I still get the wobbles. I was feeling rusty doing this one, with lots of self doubt but once I put the sky and water in I relaxed and got into the flow. It helps to do the bits you like or are confident with first. The little painting turned out well and in fact has already been sold! (a lovely boost.)
Part two ‘Bosham Sunset’ coming soon….
20x30cm oil on canvas