#514 Autumn Plantation, Tennesse

#514 Autumn Plantation, Tennesse

The second painting with the Oil Painters of America group. We were on an old plantation – (big farm) with about 8 out houses these two were part of them. A still grey day but I boosted the autumn colours to make them stand out more.  The tonal value and colour...
#513 Old Tennessee Barn

#513 Old Tennessee Barn

I had the opportunity to paint with the prestigious Oil Painters of America group. The morning we spent painting on Burns Grocery Farm, with wonderful old barns, this one is 150 years old. The grey sky seemed to suit the scene and I decided to crop the roof off to...
#507 Venice 24, 25 & 26

#507 Venice 24, 25 & 26

It was raining so I sheltered under the fish market building – see painting below. I enjoyed it a lot so decided to do a couple more! Then I started to see all the wonderful facades around the city. Will do more next time!   From the Fish Market Next to...