#270 ‘Morning Frost, The Trundle’ 8×14″
by Clare Bowen | Dec 11, 2017 | Contra Jour, Cows, Frost, Landscape, Oils, Trees, Trundle, West Sussex
I’m a bit behind with posting as I have three to put on, two snow paintings and this frosty one.Took artist friend Sarah Manolescue for the first time to the Trundle. It was a gorgeous morning and she was wowed! I moved so I could get the sparkle on the sea in...
#231 ‘Somerset Levels’ 9×12″
by Clare Bowen | Sep 21, 2017 | Cows, Green, Landscape, Sky, Somerset, Trees
Somerset levels are quite flat and low level so the skies are amazing, dramatic and endless. Could paint them all day! A group of us liked this subject because when we arrived the light was behind the trees – contra jour and the cattle were standing with a...