by Clare Bowen | Mar 17, 2020 | Daffodils, Flowers, Snowdrops, Still Life
The spring cheery yellows enticed me to paint them, I thought they looked good in the stripy blue jug! A mixture of daffodil varieties, I especially like the orange centres. Light source manly behind to lift the top daffodil head so it looks transparent. I had...
by Clare Bowen | Aug 14, 2019 | Flowers
I had an hour to spare in between commitments. It would have been easy to think – I don’t have enough time to paint. But it made me focus and work quickly and with intent, no procrastinating! It’s come out and fresh and lively. I committed to a year...
by Clare Bowen | Aug 13, 2019 | Flowers
I fancied another go at these lovely blooms! Using a sky colour as a background – Kings Blue Deep and Cerulean mixed together. On a bigger canvas – 16×17″
by Clare Bowen | Jul 29, 2019 | Flowers
An apt flower with all this sunshine and heat! I seem to paint flowers better when they are in the garden instead of inside my studio with sunshine falling on them. Chunking together petal shapes not painting individuals. Cadmium Yellow Deep a useful colour for this...
by Clare Bowen | Jul 12, 2019 | Flowers
I wanted to get the colours as vibrant a possible so kept mixing until they we’re bright enough – I used Magenta to help with the intensity. Peonies are such happy flowers!! ????
by Clare Bowen | Jun 15, 2019 | Flowers, Still Life
I have rather neglected the blog recently having returned from London and my solo exhibition to distributing sold paintings and sorting out framing for people plus getting ready and taking part in the Open Studios its all go! So here is a combined post of two recent...
by Clare Bowen | Mar 5, 2019 | Flowers, Snowdrops
I have decided to move my blog to my website to encourage visitors onto it, help search engines find me and to look more professional. I think the new blog looks better than the google blogspot version – I hope you agree! All 450+ posts and comments are on here...
by Clare Bowen | Oct 27, 2018 | Blue, Flowers, Still Life, Sunflowers, Yellow
33x35cm oil on linen16x18″ oil on linen40x40cm oil on cotton canvasAll from the same bunch of flowers. Experimenting on linen canvas – with clear gesso, so its still buff canvas coloured.Composition – just the heads and a hint of the vase...
by Clare Bowen | Jul 6, 2018 | England, Flowers, Oil Painting, Still Life, Sunflowers, Yellow
A busy week, hard to keep on top of all the artists jobs to do, including this one!I am lucky that my Mum supplies me with great flowers to paint, like these :-)I decided to paint outside again as the natural sunlight works well on a still life especially flowers. I...
by Clare Bowen | Jun 29, 2018 | England, Flowers, Jug, Oil Painting, Peonies, Pink, Still Life
Peonies by Mary Oliver “This morning the green fists of the peoniesare getting readyto break my heartas the sun rises,as the sun strokes them with his old,buttery fingersand they open -pools of lace,white and pink – and all day the black ants climb...
by Clare Bowen | Jun 21, 2018 | Artist Life, Flowers, Peonies, Pink, Still Life, Studio
This is a whopper for me – two foot by two foot! I enjoyed it and surprised myself that I could do it and it turned out nicely :-)I did start on a a 11×14″ but it still felt crampt so I routelled around in my cupboard and found this canvas, I...
by Clare Bowen | Jun 16, 2018 | Artist Life, Daisies, England, Flowers, Oil Painting, Open Studios, Pink, Still Life, Surrey
I am enjoying these still life paintings as you can experiment so much with colour & harmonies, composition, subject…I tried with no hard line background this time, bigger in size and reflected vase on the table.I can’t write so much today as just...
by Clare Bowen | Jun 10, 2018 | Artist Tips, Blue, Daisies, Flowers, Open Studios, Still Life
Painted yesterday during our Open Studios. A busy day with 21 people coming to visit, I’ve sold 12 paintings to date – got plenty more!! But exciting to have sales and lovely feed back!This year there are many wild daisies, great blankets of them, they...
by Clare Bowen | Jun 7, 2018 | England, Flowers, Glass, Jug, Oil Painting, Peonies, Still Life
I saw these lovely white peonies in the supermarket, a sweet scent and blousie look. I managed to paint them while our Open Studio was on last weekend. Quite a challenge to get the tones and colours right. The tonal scale in the flower is so small e.g. Light...
by Clare Bowen | Jun 3, 2018 | Artist Life, England, exhibition, Flowers, Oil Painting, Open Studios, Peonies, Pink, Still Life
Painted with haste and gusto! The background a blue black to set of the light pink flowers peonies which are so fun to paint, quite addictive! (There will be more 🙂 I think they are a good subject because of the globe shape so you get great light and dark on...