#197 ‘Flags & Fishing Buoys’ 24x30cm
by Clare Bowen | Jul 1, 2017 | Boats, France, Harbour, Port en Bessin, Seascape
This was near our hotel and all of us artists past this scene and went ooooh! So brightly coloured and great shapes.I drew it the night before so I could work out the shapes and composition. It was still a challenge though! I haven’t been mapping out before...
#196 ‘Low Tide, Port en Bessin’ 8×10″
by Clare Bowen | Jul 1, 2017 | Boats, France, Low Tide, Port en Bessin, Seascape
For some reason the flies loved this painting. I was working with another artist near by and her painting wasn’t attractive to them! Look at my palette pic to see how many were in there. First I tried to save them by the end they were being mixed and and applied...
#195 ‘Port en Bessin, France’ 18x21cm
by Clare Bowen | Jun 30, 2017 | Boats, Buildings, France, Harbour, Port en Bessin, Seascape
I simplified what was there and emphasised the bits I liked. Building up a patchwork of colour, shapes and tones. A tricky subject but enjoyed piecing it all together.A young French couple watched me paint for a while and then using google translate asked if it...
#194 Morning Light, Port en Bessin 18x24cm
by Clare Bowen | Jun 30, 2017 | Boats, Buildings, France, Port en Bessin, Seascape
There was a window of lovely light which I wanted to capture. To be bold in the mark making, blocking in and simplifying the shapes and keeping the colours fresh to help show the light.I am now back home from the French trip. It’s been hard keeping up with...
#193 ‘Pholos, Ile de Re’ 10×10″
by Clare Bowen | Jun 29, 2017 | Boats, France, Ile de Re
I heard from the other painters about a lovely old boat on blocks out of the water. There were 6 people painting around the area. I joined them with uncertainty as it was a big subject to tackle. The drawing & structure is important to get the angles...
#192 ‘Morning Reflections, Ile de Re’ 18x21cm
by Clare Bowen | Jun 29, 2017 | Boats, France, Ile de Re, Seascape
I wanted to get a quickie in before we left for our next location. An early start where I was rewarded with beautiful light, really calm water and perfect reflections. I worked on a small board and time limited seamed to help being decisive and strong with...
#191 ‘Mist Clearing, Ile de Re’ 10×10″
by Clare Bowen | Jun 28, 2017 | Boats, France, Ile de Re, Mist, Seascape
I had completed a painting of this misty scene the previous day. It was a landscape board and smaller scale. I wasn’t 100% happy with it. Luckily the mist came back so I was able to have another go…When I started the tide was up and the mist...