#398 ‘Nocturn, Maria Della Salute’ 8×10″
by Clare Bowen | Oct 6, 2018 | Accademia Bridge, Bridge, Grand Canal, Italy, Maria Della Salute, Nocturne, Reflection, Venice
An impulse paint! As I hadn’t planned to do a nocturne, I usually arrive early get myself set up and draw in and wait until the light hits the sky and water and then scrabble to get it down! This time I really noticed the lights on the water and intense orange...
#373 ‘Venice Nocturne’ no.1 10×10″
by Clare Bowen | Sep 9, 2018 | Nocturne, The Artist Magazine, Venice
Two paintings in a day and then do a nocturne I was exhausted! But making the most of having artistic company and so it was a loose, lively interpretation.Before I left the house I mixed my palette of colours, yellows, oranges violets and a black. Because even with a...
#241 ‘Gondolas at Night’ 8×8″
by Clare Bowen | Oct 19, 2017 | Boats, Gondolas, Grand Canal, Nocturne, Venice
This is my first nocturnal painting, there are not many places I’ve been that would inspire me to go and paint at night! This is one of them, with the dancing light on the water and tonal shapes were great.My painter buddy (Neil Pitcher) had a great light its...