#64 ‘Sugar Pot’ 6×6″

#64 ‘Sugar Pot’ 6×6″

I’m happy with this little pot a lot of thought went into it.I rumaged in my husbands workshop for some wood for the pot to sit on. I winched my tripot holding my light box as high as I could, see pic below. The composition is eye level so there is very little...
#54 ‘Two Pink Jugs’ 6×6″

#54 ‘Two Pink Jugs’ 6×6″

I finished my colour studies this morning and wanted to use some of the lovely pinks and violets I had mixed. So this is the result of it! I didn’t have many pink pots or jugs in my supply so adapted what I had, see photo below to what they really looked...
#50 ‘Earthenware Pots’ 6×6″

#50 ‘Earthenware Pots’ 6×6″

I like the chunky earthen ware feel to these pots and not colours I usually choose.They not fine china so I painted them quite loose and brushy. I decided on the blue background as a last minute after I’d painted the inside of the yellow pot, it seamed a good...