#66 ‘Magnolia’ 6×6″

#66 ‘Magnolia’ 6×6″

I used a deep dusty pink ground base colour (see pic below) which allowed me to see the white petals of the magnolia.Broad strokes were used with not too much fussy detail. The tonal differences were very small, I did light the flowers from the side to create more...
#65 ‘Rhododendron’ 6×6″

#65 ‘Rhododendron’ 6×6″

A tricky subject! Painting the flowers so they are defined but not overworked. Simplyfing the pink tones and shapes otherwise its confusing to the eye. I did paint in a blue background thinking it’s like the sky, but it looked dreadful! It’s now...
#64 ‘Sugar Pot’ 6×6″

#64 ‘Sugar Pot’ 6×6″

I’m happy with this little pot a lot of thought went into it.I rumaged in my husbands workshop for some wood for the pot to sit on. I winched my tripot holding my light box as high as I could, see pic below. The composition is eye level so there is very little...
#61 ‘Cup of Tea’ 6×6″

#61 ‘Cup of Tea’ 6×6″

It’s the first time I have painted a cup and saucer and I couldn’t resist putting some tea in the cup!My students will be tackling this soon, a good subject to practise graduating tone as it wraps around the cup light to dark. The spoon and tea will be...
#60 ‘Pomegranate’ 6×6″

#60 ‘Pomegranate’ 6×6″

Pomegranates seam to be a popular ‘daily painting’ subject, this is my first attempt at one. I can see why they are painted as the shape is good with the fronds at the top and lots of colours with a good sheen. I thought I’d try a more...
#58 ‘Rose Cupcake’ 6×6″

#58 ‘Rose Cupcake’ 6×6″

I was given this cute cupcake by Mirabelle Cafe in Haslemere. I painted one of theirs before and thought I’d have another go. Some tough elements like getting the swirls of buttercream icing right and the red paper case. The background is often harder than...
#54 ‘Two Pink Jugs’ 6×6″

#54 ‘Two Pink Jugs’ 6×6″

I finished my colour studies this morning and wanted to use some of the lovely pinks and violets I had mixed. So this is the result of it! I didn’t have many pink pots or jugs in my supply so adapted what I had, see photo below to what they really looked...
#51 ‘Adidas Boots’ 6×6″

#51 ‘Adidas Boots’ 6×6″

These boots were a challenge to paint especially the laces! But I enjoyed all the different elements. I set up a casual composition as though they’d been taken off and left. The material is suede so there wasn’t a shine or highlights. I worked on...
#50 ‘Earthenware Pots’ 6×6″

#50 ‘Earthenware Pots’ 6×6″

I like the chunky earthen ware feel to these pots and not colours I usually choose.They not fine china so I painted them quite loose and brushy. I decided on the blue background as a last minute after I’d painted the inside of the yellow pot, it seamed a good...